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Within today’s modern warfare, the importance of a well-equipped artillery has made its mark. Enemy drones are pushing artillery deployment areas further back which means that the demand for artillery with longer range has increased. Range for artillery is a driver for a high cost and in this stage when armies have big holes to fill, 成本效益是关键. GLSDB is the missile system that has the most superior range vs cost ratio out there. GLSDB with its 150 km range gives armies the possibility to strike high pay-off targets in a with 1 m accuracy deep into enemy territory to a lower cost than all other system.

今天的地面部队正面临来自四面八方的威胁. 需要的武器弹药即是多用途的, easily transportable and agile to meet the multiple demands of modern warfare is increasing. “十多年前, 我们把小直径炸弹(SDB), 最初是为战斗机开发的, 与波音公司一起进行测试,以使其适应地面使用, 使其可用于火炮,Morten Jensen解释道, 瑞典国防承包商十大正规博彩网站评级的市场和销售总监. "Why? Because we saw a need for a simplified artillery solution with long range and high precision" The 地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB) has a range of up to 150 kilometres, allowing it to be deployed against enemy targets or troops from a long distance. The low cost is because of the integration of two combat-proven systems: Boeing's Small Diameter Bomb I and the M26 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) rocket. Saab has developed a stand-alone launcher for GLSDB that can be mounted on any truck using 20” flatbed system or in a container solution.


从更远的地方发射导弹, 被敌人发现和干扰的风险尤其增加. 然而, GLSDB远程精确炸弹是高度设计的:“在所有测试中, 以及在实际使用中, 当谈到对干扰的敏感性时,它是一流的,詹森解释道. glsdb是战场上可靠的资源. 创新技术确保. 通过使用经过实战验证的SDB I, GLSDB can offer a unique capability with technology that’s tested and verified by U.S. 空军. 这些机制, 加上安全协议和先进的通信技术, 确保glsdb运作的连续性, 即使是在没有gps的地区.


Additionally, it is possible to integrate the GLSDB on a wide variety of launcher platforms. 这些包括HIMARS, M270发射器和Chunmoo系统. 这些组合方案不仅节省了武装部队的资源, 同时也增加了现有系统的能力. 如果是HIMARS和M270, GLSDB可以作为弹药的替代品, enabling increased range and reducing the risk to be targeted by enemy counter battery units or drones.



GLSDB导弹可以从360度弧度执行目标交战. That means that GLSDB can manoeuvre to the target and without the need of a direct ballistic line from the launcher to the target. It does so by unfolding wings at apogee and then glide towards its programmed target settings which position even could be to the sides or behind the launcher compared to the firing direction.

Integrated 高精度 GPS system supported by an inertial navigation system ensure the necessary accuracy. 最重要的是, 而风和天气会影响导弹的航向, GPS导航系统可以纠正这一点, 确保最大精度(小于1米). GLSDB have a higher probability to destroy targets by having the ability of impacting the same target by several missiles that engages from different azimuths and angles. This raises the difficulties for enemy Close-In 支持 Weapon Systems trying to defend its units. SDB也有一种使用激光目标导引头的版本, 这也可以用作GLSDB配置, which would enable engagement of moving targets and further contribute to precise targeting.


Even though modern warfare is carried out on multiple domains simultaneously, ground offensives are still particularly effective and often decisive for war efforts. 最好地保护生活在危机地区的部队和平民, it is essential to push the enemy and its bases back as far as possible from the front line – with minimal collateral damage. Morten Jensen knows that "precision-guided missiles will play an important part in any counteroffensive in the future, as they open up the possibility of striking high pay-off targets from a distance and subsequently forcing the enemy to move their units and ammunition stockpiles farther away, thereby weakening supply lines and the ability to operate as a combined armed force."

火力对地面作战也至关重要. 在短时间内发射多枚导弹的能力, 以几乎同时的效果中和多个目标, 潜力巨大. glsdb不仅准确, but they also have high impact power and can penetrate caves or underground hiding places since the weapon is equipped with a multi-purpose warhead featuring explosive and fragmentation effects. There is also a laser variant that is particularly well suited for engaging mobile targets. A programmable impact and delay fuse ensures deep penetration or even close-range firing.



Precision-guided missiles were originally designed as air-launched solutions, but are now being more and more considered as an all-round talent on the ground. This is not the first time that Saab has adapted existing systems for other domains, thus creating added value: "Since we are very well positioned in all domains, 我们可以利用协同效应,将现有知识应用于其他领域. 作为我们开发工作的一部分, 我们总是非常密切地关注已经可用的东西, what can be adapted and what proven capabilities and technologies we can transfer to new systems,Morten Jensen说, 十大正规博彩网站评级的市场和销售总监.

在一个不确定的世界, where military budgets needs to be distributed within several important areas makes cost-efficient alternatives more relevant. Weapon systems such as GLSDB will therefore continue to be developed in the future, as a wide range of applications play a key role in accomplishing missions. Systems such as GLSDB are certainly one of the most flexible and efficient solutions for armed forces seeking an affordable, 高精度, 远程解决方案.



The 地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB) is a 高精度 long-range ammunition designed for the modern battlefield. This solution can be launched from a variety of platforms and is supplied with a wide range of warheads. GLSDB为武装部队的能力带来了一个新的维度.
